“ Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.” C.G Jung
Currently I’m half way through a Certificate in Sandplay Therapy being run by the Expressive Therapies Institute of Australia and am finding it to be a simple but powerful and profound approach that facilitates the psyche’s natural capacity for healing.
What is Sandplay Therapy? is it just for children?
" A basic premise of Sandplay Therapy is that deep in the unconscious there is a natural tendency for the psyche to heal itself, given the right conditions.” Estelle Weinrib
A Sandplay session begins by engaging with the sand in a tray, letting the hands experience the sand and allowing them to move as they wish. Then you are invited to select some symbols or miniatures displayed on shelves in the room that you are drawn to or attracted to. These symbols are placed in the sandtray to create a picture or story. Reflective questions are asked about the picture and symbols and each symbol is seen to be unlimited in its meaning. Recently one of symbols represented a variety of the big cats to different clients, either being a cheetah, a leopard, a panther or a tiger each with its own qualities and strengths as described by each client.
Sandplay lets the parts of you that have no voice a chance to say
Many sandplay clients at first feel hesitant and uncertain when presented with a tray and shelves of symbols or miniatures. When they are creating a picture in the tray they will often comment "I have no idea what i am doing”. This is completely fine as it actually indicates that the ego is nolonger in charge, and gives opportunity for the unconscious to express itself. This is an extremely beneficial aspect of the process. Unconscious contents are activated and flow out onto an object. But they do not flow all the way out into the real world where they often become lost. They become captured in the personal world of the sand tray picture and are a unique statement of the client’s.
Sand play is a non directive therapy it allows free expression, free creation- there is no right or wrong way as to how you respond or what is created. There is no interpretation given by the therapist as to what the symbols might mean and symbols are not touched or shifted by the therapist. Reflective questions are asked in an invitational way and there are large amounts of pause time and silence. It is a very respectful process allowing the inner healer to be expressed.
Adults as well as children find it to be effective and it is used in welfare agencies, schools, hospitals and drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres and in counselling and psychology practices.
In this Youtube clip my Sandplay Therapy trainer describes the process of Sandplay for a training course she offered in the Czech Republic in early 2017.
Mindful Meditation Australia
ReplyDeleteMMA works to improve mental, emotional and physical health through meditation and mindfulness training for educators, families and professionals in Perth
to get more - https://www.mindfulmeditationaustralia.org.au/
mindfulness australia
ReplyDeleteMMA works to improve mental, emotional and physical health through meditation and mindfulness training for educators, families and professionals in Perth
to get more - https://www.mindfulmeditationaustralia.org.au/